Pregnancy is the most awaited event after marriage. It brings a lot of happiness and builds a bond between the couple. But the question is how a newly-married girl knows that she is pregnant. This article will help to understand the pregnancy and its symptoms. The list of symptoms is so long, but we will discuss the earliest and most common signs here.
After finding and noticing those signals, you can go for a check-up and test as a doctor will suggest a urine and blood test for pregnancy indications. The test can indicate the pregnancy within 10 days of the fertilized egg.
Every woman has a different body and faces additional physiological changes, so in the same way, the symptoms vary. Let's dive into the most common early pregnancy symptoms, every new mom-to-be should know.
Missed Period
One of the early and first indications of being pregnant is a missed period. If you missed your period then you can go for a test. But it does mean a day or two up; you have to wait for at least one week as menstrual cycles vary many times due to different reasons. Every time missed periods are not an indication of pregnancy. Sometimes it can be a clue of some other disease, and you can miss it due to excessive exercise, gaining and losing too much weight, hormonal issues, illness, and stress.
But a pregnant woman will never have a period as it can be possible to have bleeding issues. The fertilized egg touches the uterus lining, and the bleeding can happen on the same days of the cycle.
Many other clues will tell you that you are pregnant, so check those.
Pregnancy is undoubtedly the happiest news a couple can receive, but it is hard and difficult to carry. A few days after conceiving, the production of hormones and uptake of body energy for placenta formation can be the reason for fatigue. All these reasons can zap you and make you feel low. That's why your body is tired, and you feel fatigued.
Besides the fatigue, you can also feel dizzy and sleepy the whole day as it is a more common symptom of pregnancy than fatigue.
Morning Sickness And Vomiting
One of the most irritating and common clues of pregnancy is morning sickness. But morning sickness doesn't mean you will throw up in the morning, it can be any time of day and night.
Some women start after one week of pregnancy, and they get relief at the 14th month. But in others, it begins after the 4th month and continues till the end. So it varies from one woman to another.
In this, a pregnant lady feels sick to the stomach and has terrible health as she cannot eat more, and vomit makes her irritated and ill.
To ease these symptoms, it is recommended to eat small and frequent rooms and rest. But as per experience, if there is a throw-out, nothing can stop it.
Frequent Urination
The next sign of pregnancy is frequent urination. A pregnant woman needs to go to the washroom after every 2 to 3 hours almost. As baby development puts weight on the bladder and the intake of the liquid becomes more, that's why frequent urination occurs.
Backache And Headache
Aches are the most common clue of pregnancy. Headache and backache can be due to work routine or dehydration. Sometimes mothers eat food with an old routine while their body demands more; this can be the reason for headaches and backache.
It is also said in scientific research that the blood volume of a pregnant person increases, and it puts pressure on nerves that becomes the reason for aches.
Breast Tenderness
Two weeks after conception, pregnant women feel pain in the breast. She noticed her swollen breast, sensitive and dark nipple. This all occurs due to increased hormonal levels such as progesterone and estrogen in the body. These hormones increase the blood flow in this area.
It is recommended to wear a sports bra if facing this symptom.
Some women feel lightheaded and dizzy throughout the day. This dizziness and laziness can be due to dehydration and low blood sugar levels. It is also said that these pregnancy symptoms prevail when pregnant women change their posture or position. If the condition persists and the pregnant person feels faint, she must visit her doctor.
Mood Swings
Mood swings are the worst symptom I have ever faced in my pregnancy. It doesn't hurt me but my kids and husband, as my lousy mood makes me the worst human ever.
Throughout pregnancy, a woman feels an emotional rollercoaster ride. At one moment, a pregnant woman felt sad, and the next moment she started laughing. It all happens due to hormonal changes.
If mood swings continue, then they change into perinatal depression.
Food Cravings
The last symptom I will explain in this article is food cravings. As a pregnant lady, your choices change at a 360-degree angle. If you are a salt lover, then my whole pregnancy, you hate eating salt, and the same goes alternatively.
A pregnant woman can eat one food for nine months, and it seems insane, but it's true. This is pregnancy in a nutshell.
Wrapping Up
Pregnancy is not an easy job as It changes a person. A woman goes through many changes, so she deserves to be taken care of. May your pregnancy be smooth and successful.
Happy Parenting