Ways Good Parenting Can Help Prevent Bullying And Harassment.


bullying and harassment

Good parenting can help a child identify and stop bullying and harassment of oneself and others. Bullying and harassment are intentional verbal and practical abuse that impact children's physique and psyche. In schools, it also shows the loose control of teachers on students and bad parenting. If it goes unnoticed, it impacts children's mental health drastically. It makes the victims lack in their student lives. 

Below are the habits to instill in your children to prevent bullying and harassment. Here I will give you some of the practices I followed during my children's upbringing. I hope a few of this advice will help you raise an excellent, empathetic child. 

Teach Your Kids, What Is Bullying And Harassment? 

The foremost and vital step is to make your child sense the happening of bullying and harassment. Sometimes it is so underlined it becomes difficult to recognize in the first place. It would help your children learn about bad and good touch and behavior. Teach your children about the types and levels of bullying and harassment. Make your kids respect all races, colors, and ethnicities. Saying something means someone's religion, caste, and ethnicity is not okay, even in lighter mode. Advise your children to be friends with the outclassed kid in their class. Such learning will help your kids in identifying bullying and harassment being done. 

Make Your Kids Self Sufficient And Brave:

Stop someone from doing something that does not feel right to you needs courage. Being vocal about the rights of oneself and others can not be done without being brave. Make your kids brave and self-sufficient by behaving bravely in front of them. Do not talk about your children's fears, complexions, and shortcomings.

Children idolize their parents, so sometimes your children even start beautifying your fears and adopting them. Make them brave enough to call out the bullies and stop them from harassment and bullying. Tell your kids not to wait for others to approve their stance against bullies and do what they believe is right alone.  

Confidence Is A Must Develop Skill:

making a child confident

Parents can make their children confident about their bodies, colors, ethnicity, and religion by giving them respect. If you make fun of the disabilities of your children, they become conscious of their specific shortcomings. Such behavior of yours can perish their confidence. To make your child stop bullying, you must make them confident. Reaching out to someone either for consoling them or preventing them from doing something negative needs confidence.

Do Not Call Your Children With Bad Names At Home:

Good parenting needs effort and thoughts. You can not call your child terrible names and teach them not to call others bad names. It would help if you made yourself an example of a good human being. Calling bad names to your children makes their personalities very dumb and dull. Rather than standing for others, such children can not even stand for their rights. They start thinking about themselves as someone of low value. Whatever happens to them in school, they can not tell you about that because you are their place of comfort. 

Do Not Make Bullying A Trivial Matter:

Sometimes parents go unbothered with bullying and harassment of their children by family members. They make it something done for fun and enjoyment. Children also start taking the negative energies put towards them as normal behavior. You should not be that kind of parent. Do not make bullying and harassment of your kid and others a trivial matter and never get along with it. If you are an aggressive person on average, change your behavior with your kids. Do not make rage a normal feeling for them.

 Children from such households behave aggressively towards others without noticing it as bullying and harassment. Make your children lovely, kind, and sympathetic by your good behavior towards them.  

Develop High Moral Values In Kids:

High morals and principles are suitable to be instilled in your kids. Parents and other members of the family who are around the kids can play pivotal roles in developing standards of good living and beliefs. Make them learn from right to wrong. They should be clear about what is right and wrong for them. You should not develop gray areas for them regarding moral values. Otherwise, they will become confused in situations of bullying and harassment on which side they should stand. Tell your kids to speak the truth in such cases. 

To play safely in such situations always helps the oppressor. Suppose there is a student in your child's class being bullied by other students. Teach your kid to talk to that victim and other class fellows to be kind toward him. Sometimes students use bullying as a tactic to get attention.

Your kid should have his values to differentiate between actual bullying and a fake impression of it. 

Make Them Stand For Others: 

make friendship

Standing for yourself is sometimes easy as it is a human instinct to protect itself. Standing for others needs some things more than just being brave, courageous, and confident. Empathy is a skill that can only be learned, not inherited. Make your kids empathetic by helping others in front of them. Surround your kids with compassionate people. Tell them to make good friends that can stand for others. Teach your kid to communicate with teachers and the school principal if an event of bullying and harassment is being played in their classroom. 


Students who have faced bullying in their student life grow with very under-confident and compressed personalities. They constantly think about that one thing in their character for which they are bullied. So their focus from main events shift, and they fall short in their grades. Parents can make their children aware of bullying and harassment from a very early age and be vocal against it. Sometimes the figures who have to rectify it do it themselves, such as teachers. 

Bullying and harassment from teachers get imprinted on students' brains and can haunt them for the time being. So the critical responsibility falls on the parents to make their children aware of and against it.

Good parenting is not something that one can not achieve. By following a few of the advice mentioned above, you can make your kid's good human beings who can empathize and stand for others. Such qualities can change the narrative of your kid, not only of himself but also of others. You can only do this by raising your kid mindfully. Tell me in the comments if you ever go through such a hard situation in your life. Also, give me some of the practices you did to prevent bullying and harassment.  

Happy parenting,


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