Most Important Things, Every Pregnant Women Needs To Know



Positive pregnancy test report! Congratulations. No doubt pregnancy is the best phase of life, creating a new human. The pregnant woman is a beautiful creature; the glow, the happiness, and the excitement can be seen on her face. But it will also bring some odd things that will irritate you, make you sad, and much more. But don't worry, this shall pass too, and you will miss this phase of your life. 

The same was with me; after receiving the news that I was pregnant, my happiness was up to the sky, but after a few days, I felt like I was sick, and there were so many unpredictable things happening to me. Then I researched a lot and realized there must be a post that helps pregnant women what to do and what not to do. 

So if you are in this beautiful phase of your life, bookmark this post, and you will find yourself in peace. 

Pregnancy Sign And Symptoms

First, I will tell you, how will you find out that you are pregnant? What are the pregnancy symptoms, and how will you come to know that you are pregnant Now?

Missed Period And Spotting

The most common sign indicating that a woman is pregnant is the missed period or pregnancy spotting. Some pregnant ladies have minimal bleeding during the menstrual cycle, which suggests something different. Even some women have spotting during pregnancy throughout. 

Now it’s time to do a pregnancy test at home, and you can check pregnancy by urine strip. Every strip test is not authentic. So you can verify it by doing it twice. A false-positive pregnancy test is a common issue faced by many pregnant ladies. And to make it final, go for a blood test and a glucose test for pregnancy.

The most important question that I hear frequently is 

                      Period pains but no period could I be pregnant

As you can be. Go for tests and verify this good news.

Pregnancy Discharge

If you are pregnant, then vaginal discharge is common. This vaginal discharge helps in preventing the vagina and internal tube from bacteria and infections. This is also called an early pregnancy discharge or leukorrhea. The discharge changes the color and thickness with time as it is white discharge during the early days of pregnancy, then transforms into the yellow discharge. 

And in the last days of pregnancy, brown discharge comes out of the vagina.


One of the significant symptoms during pregnancy is fatigue, and it is expected as there is a hormonal change in the body of pregnant women. 90 out of 100 pregnant women complain about round ligament pain, back pain, headaches, and leg cramps during pregnancy

Mood Swing

Neurotransmitters are the hormone that is a mood regulators and the excess production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy. These hormones affect the neurotransmitters and cause mood swings in pregnant women. Irritation, crying, itching, and pain are common signs of mood swings.

Morning Sickness

Another symptom of pregnancy, especially of early pregnancy, is morning sickness. Vomiting and nausea are the symptoms of morning sickness, and it is triggered by smell, odor, taste, and any other thing. The reasons for morning sickness vary from one pregnant woman to another. There are so many tips that can be treated as morning sickness remedies. But it ends with time. Most pregnant women get relief from morning sickness after the first trimester. 

Trimester Detail

The pregnancy period consists of 9 months, and it is divided into three trimesters.

First Trimester

If we describe the pregnancy week by week, then in the first trimester, it counts from week 1 to 12 (the first three months). From the first day to 12 weeks, basic growth and changes occur. In this trimester, the body goes from ordinary to pregnant, and most of the hormonal and chemical changes occur. These pregnancy hormones are responsible for mood swings and prepare the body to carry a baby. 

Second Trimester

From week 13 to 28, the second trimester goes, and most of the physical changes occur in this trimester. The belly starts enlarging, and pregnant women feel the baby's movement inside the womb and belly. In this trimester, most pregnant women complain about pain and restlessness, all due to baby growth and movement. You achieved the two milestones of the pregnancy period.

Third Trimester

You are near to achieving your third milestone, and it goes from 29 weeks to 40 weeks. The baby develops the essential organ, and growth occurs very fast. The body releases hormones that make a pregnant lady's body ready for delivery and breastfeeding. 

What To Eat

Pregnancy Eating

One of the critical things every pregnant woman needs to focus on is what to eat and when to eat. Pregnancy is when your priorities change, and you start liking the food that you never eat or even tasted in your life. Some women have extreme cravings. And they love to eat the same food for days and weeks. 

If you are pregnant, you can eat anything; pregnancy is a phase, not a disease. So eat what you want to eat.

Some important things are listed that you need to add to your diet. The goal should be eating nutritious food that fulfills the demand of baby and mother as well such as 

  • Folic Acid

  • Protein

  • Calcium

  • Dairy

  • Whole grain

  • Lean protein

  • Iron

  • Fruits and vegetables

What Not To Eat

Pregnant women need to avoid following foods during pregnancy as they can cause complications 

  • Raw eggs

  • Caffeine 

  • Fish with high mercury levels

  • Raw shellfish

  • Smoked meats

  • Unpasteurized milk

  • Alcohol


Body Changes in Pregnant Women

The most significant difference pregnant women feel is the body change. Breast enlargement, itching, stretching marks, and lower body enlargement make them conscious and uncomfortable. According to states, body changes are the biggest reason for postpartum depression in pregnant women. With these changes, the eating patterns are also disturbed, and unhealthy eating habits can cause diseases such as heartburn, sugar, and high blood pressure. 

Exercise And Workout

pregnancy exercise

Exercise is good for pregnant women to remain active and healthy. Some exercises are ok to do during pregnancy, such as 

  • swimming, 

  • brisk walking, 

  • indoor stationary cycling,

  • elliptical machines, 

  • and low-impact aerobics

While some exercises are not recommended to do, as they can cause adverse effects on the baby 

  • high-impact exercise.

  • Push-ups.

  • Exercise that hurts your pelvic floor.

  • Crunches.

  • Breath-holding exercises.


pregnancy sleep

Sleeping more than the normal cycle is common in pregnancy, but it is recommended that pregnant women should sleep between 7 to 9 hours a day without disturbance. If you are sleeping more than 10 hours and, without doing any work, want to sleep again, it can be a symptom of the fatal disorder. This is the time you need to visit a doctor. 

One of the most asked questions is how to sleep in pregnancy, and it is recommended to sleep on your left side. As the liver is on the right side, that’s why sleeping on the left side can save the uterus from bearing the weight of that sizeable golden organ. 

Pregnancy insomnia is the other thing women face in pregnancy, and it occurs due to excessive bathroom trips, heartburn, and the production of hormones.

Pregnancy Apps 

Don't be worried about knowing your pregnancy stage, baby growth, what to eat, and whatnot. For that, there are so many apps to help you. Few are listed there; subscribe to them and check about your pregnancy details with all pros and cons

  • The Best Pregnancy Tracking Apps.

  • Pregnancy Tracker — BabyCenter.

  • Pregnancy & Baby Tracker WTE.

  • WebMD Pregnancy.

  • My Pregnancy.

  • Ovia Pregnancy Tracker.

  • Pregnancy App Preglife.

  • And many others.

When To Visit Doctor

visiting doctor

According to gynecologists, pregnant women must visit a doctor once a month. But it’s all up to you and your condition. Every pregnancy is different, so you can’t fix a hard and fast rule for everyone. Some pregnancies have so many difficulties, so their doctor recommends and makes a schedule of visits as per the condition of mother and baby.

Why is it commonly suggested to visit a gynecologist after a month? In each progressive month, many changes happen with the body of pregnant women, so the doctor suggests vitamins and medicines accordingly.

Necessaries And Accessories For Pregnant Women

Markets are flooded with so many products for smoothing the pregnancy journey and helping mothers under challenging times. Some things are necessary, and some are accessories.

Following the product list will help you to find out the availability of products, and you can choose it according to your pocket and need

  • Prenatal vitamins

  • Digestive remedies

  • A good moisturizer

  • Supportive bra

  • Body pillow

  • Belly supported band

  • Nursing pads

  • Maternity clothes

  • Pregnancy book or ebook

  • Antacids

  • Comfortable shoes

All these things are suitable for use during the pregnancy period.

How To Welcome Baby

baby delivery

Be ready after the 36th week to welcome your baby. Your body will start giving you a sign that you are near to holding your baby into your arms. That will be the most fortunate and awaiting moment. Keep your appointment booked with your doctor in case of emergency. Be ready to feel the roller coaster movement and pre-labor pains as your baby is ready to come out.

Prepare your baby bag and be ready for delivery. It’s the decision of the moment whether you will deliver through vagina or c-section as delivery is the game of moments. So be prepared, don't panic, and keep yourself relaxed. 

Misconceptions About Pregnancy

There are so many misconceptions related to pregnancy that don't pay attention to them.

Following are the common myths every pregnant woman has to hear.

One central myth is there are ways to find out the gender of the baby

Eat for two as you are pregnant

You cannot take a hot bath or dye your hair

Don't do exercise as it will hurt your baby

Morning sickness only happens in the morning

Heartburn means the baby has a lot of hair

Creams can avoid stretch marks

No pet while you are pregnant

Prepare yourself for breastfeeding.

Wrapping Up

Pregnancy is a beautiful and miraculous stage of life, bringing so many unusual things. This article will help every pregnant woman by answering all your questions about pregnancy. Which point is going to help you more? Tell me in the comments. 


Happy Pregnancy

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