Taking care of a newborn immediately after delivery is the most critical and vital thing to do. A grandmother, any caretaker, or health care can do this. One of the attention-seeking things in handling the baby immediately after delivery is the presence of expert hands around.
Your baby's first day in this world is the most important, thrilled, and exciting day. You waited for these moments for months and did a lot of preparations. But don't ignore the practice of the most crucial moment when your baby leaves the safe place of your womb and move into this world.
Cheers and congratulations are everywhere, but the most important thing at the moment is taking care of a baby immediately.
Delivery At Home Or Hospital
There are two methods of delivery, vaginal delivery, and C-section delivery. But in every case, the care of a newborn is a must. Some ladies opt to deliver the baby at home as they have an expert hand around; some deliver under challenging circumstances, such as lack of opportunities, belonging to outlying areas, early delivery, and many others.
If your pregnancy period is smooth and you plan to deliver in the hospital, then again, it's your responsibility to ask the authorities about the caretaking procedures. If you are a new mother, you must be aware of the guidelines as it is your life experience.
Here is the list of a few important steps that must be taken by caretakers in taking care of newborns immediately after delivery.
Apgar Test
This is the standardized health test performed on the baby to check out the baby's health. This is mainly done twice, firstly after 1 minute of birth to know whether the baby is adapting to the environment or not? and other after 5 minutes to check the five components of health such as
At Delivery Room
In the delivery room, a health caretaker or nurse does all these processes quickly as they have so many advanced technologies to figure out the issues, if any, present in your baby.
At Home
Apgar test is also performed in-home delivery as a baby's breathing process can be tested. The baby first cries, active moves, and skin color is the health indicators. The experienced caretaker can check all these steps and take the baby to the nearby health center if any issue is present.
Tip: If you are going to deliver the baby at home, keep a check and availability of nearby hospitals in case of emergencies.
Umbilical Cord Cutting
The second protocol in taking care of a newborn immediately after delivery is to cut the umbilical cord. The Umbilical cord-cutting process should be done through the practitioner as it is a susceptible part of the body and helps in living a healthy life.
At Home
If you are delivering a baby at home, then make sure to have an expert around you. That expert knows well how to cut the cord, the way of holding it, and the use of sterile scissors. Keep one thing in mind, that the cord must be stopped pulsating.
At Delivery Room
The umbilical cord is being cut in all health care centers within minutes, and there are many safe and secure ways to cut. Healthcare practitioners used the sterile instrument for all such sensitive tasks.
Skin To Skin Contact
Skin to skin is necessary after delivery is a vital point as it will help settle down the temperature of both mother and baby's bodies. Your care provider will clean your baby, wrap it in a blanket and will give to-do contact on your chest. Placing your belly down right on your chest will also build your lovely bond with the baby. In Vaginal deliveries, it happens just after delivery, but in the C section, the mother took some time to heal and recover. So this process differs in both cases.
It is preferred to feed the baby from your chest within 1 hour; as it increases the production of milk within 24 to 72 hours. In c sections mothers, it can be delayed but not more than 8 hours.
Eye Drop
One of the most important steps taken immediately after delivery is putting an eye drop or ointment on the newborn eyes. These drops save the eyes from bacterial growth and help in treating the other issues. Otherwise, children can be blind for their whole life.
In the hospitals, the caretakers fulfill this protocol, but your attendant needs to ask this from them. In homes, most caretakers ignore this, so be aware of this necessary protocol.
Footprint And Bracelet
There are many deliveries done in a single day in hospitals, so it isn't easy to recognize babies from their faces. For that, the administration took the baby's footprints and fastened the bracelets on the arm.
Keep Your Baby Warm
There is a lot of temperature difference between the womb and outer temperature. So it is necessary to keep the baby warm after delivery, by covering it with a warm towel, blanket and a cap.
Vitamin K Shot
Vitamin K shot must be given immediately after birth as it will help to stabilize the cuts or any internal bleeding. The low concentration of vitamins makes the survival of the baby difficult. Your caretaker and midwife will proceed with this, and the first shot will be given through the mouth, and the second will be followed after the newborn screening test.
Urine And Meconium
Urine and meconium are passed within the 24 hours of delivery, and the baby passes meconium in the stool in the first few days, then it changes into normal yellow seed stool.
The most beautiful scene you have ever watched in your life is the tiny smiling baby. Yes, it can take all sorrows away and baby smiles and laughs as they feel touch. The sensory receptors of newborns activate immediately after birth and they feel cuddles and tickles on the face especially on the nose and lips,
Measuring And Weighing
Baby height and weight is another vital factor to notice, and it directly affects a baby's health. So this needs to be done immediately after delivery.
Some Babies Need Special Help
Some babies need exceptional help, and they demand extra care immediately after delivery. the examples of these special help babies can be anemic baby, blue baby, and any paralysis issue.
Here is the complete guide in taking care of a newborn immediately after delivery. This will help you take care of your baby at the time of delivery, whether at home or in the hospital. These protocols must be fulfilled; otherwise, your baby can face complications.
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