5 Fun-Filled Ways To Celebrate Mother's Day

Every year mother's day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. For Me, it is one of the best and most fun-filled celebrated events as it makes my mother happy. 

One of the best ever scenes is seeing your mother smiling, so nothing can stop me from celebrating this event.

If you want the same and want to bring a smile to your mother's face, then there this article is going to tell you the 5 fun-filled ways to celebrate mothers day.


Decorate Your Mom's Room

No doubt, home is the place where only peace exists, but among so many rooms, the mother's room is the centre of the house. Everyone, after entering the home, loves to enter the mother's room and feel relaxed in the mother's lap. So to make your mother happy and to give her a surprise, decorate her room with love and respect.

You can add lights or poster cards where love words should be pasted. Also, arrange flowers or bouquets for her room according to her choice.

If your mother loves to make memories, then frame her favourite photo and display it in the room.

Give Your Mom's a Surprise Party

The other thing you can do for your mom is to arrange a surprise party.

If you have scattered siblings, then call all of them, ask them to take a leave and come home; this will definitely make your mom happy.

If your mother is missing her siblings and parents, then go to your grandparent's place and make them willing to join you at your surprise mother's day party.

In case you have a kind of mother who doesn't have many friends but missed her old school days friends, just call them and invite them. This will be the best ever gift from you to your splendid mother.

Attend a Virtual Concert or Show

This can be a good option if your mother is a music lover. Find out the nearby concert location and details and choose best according to your mother's choice. You can dance, sing and roam on that night without any boundaries and this will make her relax and happy, of course.

Bake or Cook Together

The other way to celebrate mother's day is to share her burden and help her with kitchen chores. You can cook her and allow her to rest and watch a binge series. Also if you don't know how to bake or cook, you can learn this on that day. Your sense of responsibility and maturity will make her happy and satisfied.

Read a Book Together

One of my favourite things to do on mothers day is to read a book in a peaceful place. It can be the garden of our home, backyards and the nearby cliff. To discuss things and scenarios need to know her ideas and thoughts. Her suggestions make me feel blessed, and my mother loves this quality time.

Its wrap up

Mothers are the most innocent and less admired creature. They spend their whole life without pay. So they deserve at least one day, that must be for them. Hope this article will open the way to ideas for celebrating this day with your mom and make her happy.

Avoid The Top Ten Mistakes Made By Beginning Parents

Parents are humans and are not exempt from making mistakes. Parenting is the toughest job out there. One has to be there and care all day every day for one's kids. This presence sometimes makes parents exhausted and tired. So a tired and fatigued person can make mistakes. But besides these mistakes, some parents make mistakes because of their ignorance. One should learn how to do parenting before starting it. There are many blogs like this one that one can read to avoid many mistakes. Here I will explain ten such mistakes that beginning parents make to help you avoid them in your parenting.


Parenting mistakes


Stressing Way Too Much

Some parents take parenting way too seriously. I am not saying consider parenting everybody's cup of tea. Almost all women, except those who don’t want to or have some issues, become mothers in their life. So all those who become mothers once in their life have to prepare themselves for it. You should take your kid, his habits, and his gestures seriously. But if you become too conscious of your kid’s crying and mood swings, you will make yourself ill. An ill mother can not take care of her kid as well as a healthy mother can. Taking your parenting lightly will make your parenting better.

Doing Baby Talk

Parents sometimes use baby talk to communicate with their kids. It looks good and kind to act like them to make them happy and indulge. But it impacts the learning process of your kids. Kids start pronouncing the words wrong. So as a parent you should talk to your kids normally.

Putting Burden On One Spouse

Parenting should be done by both mother and father. But in some cases, all the responsibilities are put on one parent, usually mothers. So one parent begins feeling alone and helpless in this phase of his life. This affects the mental health of parents. The mental health or state of a parent predicts the mental health of a kid. So if your health is not sound both physical and mental, how can the health of your kind be sound?

Ignoring Oral Care Of The Baby

Oral hygiene is the most important to take care of. If a child's oral well-being is not taken care of, his digestive system will get affected by it. Ignoring dental caries leads to loss of appetite in children and lethargies in him. So as a parent you should not take the oral hygiene of your child for granted.


Taking care of kid’s oral hygiene


Doing Home Remedies

Home-made remedies sometimes despite giving benefits, make the situation worse. The health of the newborn child is very sensitive, so you should not rely on such homemade remedies. Also, the health status of every kid varies from others. Using the same remedies on all the kids is a dangerous step to take. So you should not put your kid at the mercy of homemade remedies. You should take your kid regularly to the physician.

Handing Your Child Over To Everyone

Not everyone can take care of your kid as you do. Also, not everyone loves your kid as you do. So handing your kid to everyone can be proved harmful to the health of your kid. Avoid giving your kid to strangers. This habit of yours will help develop consciousness in your kids. The consciousness in the kids will help them in saving them from bad people in the future.

Giving Them Gadgets

Some parents, due to lack of free time, make their kids busy with gadgets. Such gadgets fill the empty slots in the life of your kids that should have been filled by your presence. Your kids start taking leisure time on mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. Their dependency on you for comfort starts shrinking. This will make them insecure and distant from you. Their mental health will be affected by it. So as a parent you should become a comfort and happiness zone for your kids.


Kid using laptop


Being Angry In Front Of Them

Everything you do in front of your kids affects them. If you show anger in front of your kids, they will accept anger as normal behavior. They will practice in their life afterward and you know well nobody bears anyone’s tantrums. So try being calm and composed in front of your kids for their better behavioral growth.


Being angry in front of your kids


Not Regulating Their Meal

Regulating the meal of a kid is a must-learn task by beginning parents. Some parents do not take heed of this matter in an early age of kids. Such kids become persistent in their habit of not liking the food. This gives them a hard time in their adult life.

Do Not Read To Them

Reading in front of your kids makes them good at listening and imagining. Cartoons and videos do not open minds towards imagination as stories do. By listening to stories, kids learn how to be attentive and concentrate without interpreting.


These are some of the mistakes you should avoid as a beginning parent. Avoiding these mistakes will help you grow physically, emotionally, behaviorally and mentally strong kid. Also tell me about some of your tips for beginning parents in the comment section. I would really love to learn from you all.

Happy Parenting,


How To Deal With Mom Who Bear Out The Loss Of Miscarriage

 Coping with the loss of a miscarriage is the most challenging phase in a woman's life. During pregnancy, many hormones are released. These hormones play a role in making the mother and unborn child a strong bond. The most known hormon

e is oxytocin, also known as a bonding hormone. So it is impossible for mothers not to develop a strong connection and love with their unborn children.

                          "When a mother went through a miscarriage, it is as she lost a beloved living being. The people around the pregnant women may not see the unborn child as a complete human being, but for mothers, they are." 

It takes time for mothers to get out of post-traumatic stress. If you see any such women who have gone through the same, here are some of the things you can do to help them in any way possible. 



                                       A mother mourning her miscarried baby

Acknowledge Miscarriage As A Loss

The foremost thing you all have to consider and accept is miscarriage as a loss. I know I may seem rude by saying some people do not consider it a loss. But believe me, it's true. Many people think that there is no loss if you have not given birth to a child. But they do not know what a mother went through in bringing a child into this world. She has given her time, emotions, care, and love to that unborn child so much. The bond pregnant women have developed with their unborn children is unseen by the people around them. It is a personal feeling so is the loss. So if you come in contact with any woman who has a miscarriage in their life, acknowledge their loss first. 

Do Not Blame Mother For The Loss

The worst thing one can do to a mother who experienced pregnancy is to blame her for the loss. Sometimes mothers blame themselves for the loss. They use it as a coping mechanism to get their emotions out of themselves. So if the people around them begin to do the same, the mothers' unrealized fears start becoming their reality. They first used as a coping mechanism now became a haunting truth. Mothers begin to accept themselves as misdoers. So never blame the mother for the loss of a child. It is the most significant loss for herself in the first place. Anybody around her, even the fathers, can not go through what the mother went through after losing her child during pregnancy. Being empathetic and considerate around the woman who just has had a miscarriage is the most important thing you can do.

Let Them Have Their Time To Come Out Of The Trauma

Dealing with any post-traumatic stress is not easy and very much demanding. 



  "Think about the mother who just lost the hope of seeing her child alive, who she was waiting desperately to see. All her time and emotions she invested in her child went in vain." 

The hope her life was revolving around now is not there. How can she start thinking about her life without seeing her lost child in it? Getting out of all of this needs time. Such women should be given the space they asked for to help them get out of the trauma. According to a report, miscarriage traumas cause mothers to go through depression and anxiety for a year or more. So the only thing that can heal their pain is time. 

Share Your Experience Of Any Loss With Them 

Leaving a person who just lost their beloved one is not an intelligent move. Talk to mothers who went through the loss of their child during pregnancy. Please share your experience of loss with them without belittling their loss. To make such mothers comfortable with you, you have to tell them something very personal to you. This way, they will get the courage to talk about their loss with you.

              "Sharing feelings and thoughts of losses or anything are always give and take."


Support Them Practically And Financially

Post-traumatic losses make one unable to continue their routine life for a while. Trauma releases hormones that make the body weary, exhausted, and in pain. You can help such mothers by assisting them in completing their daily home chores.

 Also, do not forget to help them financially. Such mothers are not in a position to make their finances come. So by helping them financially, you can make them sure about your presence in their life. 


To deal with the loss of a child is not easy for mothers, but it can be less demanding of people around them to show support and empathy. Empathetic behavior and physical and emotional support will not bring their child back, but it will help mothers return to normal life.

 So if you know any mother around you who went through the same trauma, become their biggest support system by providing them with whatever they need. I hope this piece of writing will help you in helping such mothers. If you or your beloved one go through such an experience (extremely sorry for that), share how you help them deal with it in the comments. 

Happy Parenting,


9 Symptoms Of Early Pregnancy, Every New Mom-To-Be Should Know



Pregnancy is the most awaited event after marriage. It brings a lot of happiness and builds a bond between the couple. But the question is how a newly-married girl knows that she is pregnant. This article will help to understand the pregnancy and its symptoms. The list of symptoms is so long, but we will discuss the earliest and most common signs here. 

After finding and noticing those signals, you can go for a check-up and test as a doctor will suggest a urine and blood test for pregnancy indications. The test can indicate the pregnancy within 10 days of the fertilized egg. 

Every woman has a different body and faces additional physiological changes, so in the same way, the symptoms vary. Let's dive into the most common early pregnancy symptoms, every new mom-to-be should know. 

Missed Period

One of the early and first indications of being pregnant is a missed period. If you missed your period then you can go for a test. But it does mean a day or two up; you have to wait for at least one week as menstrual cycles vary many times due to different reasons. Every time missed periods are not an indication of pregnancy. Sometimes it can be a clue of some other disease, and you can miss it due to excessive exercise, gaining and losing too much weight, hormonal issues, illness, and stress. 

But a pregnant woman will never have a period as it can be possible to have bleeding issues. The fertilized egg touches the uterus lining, and the bleeding can happen on the same days of the cycle. 

Many other clues will tell you that you are pregnant, so check those. 


Pregnancy is undoubtedly the happiest news a couple can receive, but it is hard and difficult to carry. A few days after conceiving, the production of hormones and uptake of body energy for placenta formation can be the reason for fatigue. All these reasons can zap you and make you feel low. That's why your body is tired, and you feel fatigued. 

Besides the fatigue, you can also feel dizzy and sleepy the whole day as it is a more common symptom of pregnancy than fatigue. 

Morning Sickness And Vomiting

One of the most irritating and common clues of pregnancy is morning sickness. But morning sickness doesn't mean you will throw up in the morning, it can be any time of day and night. 

Some women start after one week of pregnancy, and they get relief at the 14th month. But in others, it begins after the 4th month and continues till the end. So it varies from one woman to another.

In this, a pregnant lady feels sick to the stomach and has terrible health as she cannot eat more, and vomit makes her irritated and ill.

To ease these symptoms, it is recommended to eat small and frequent rooms and rest. But as per experience, if there is a throw-out, nothing can stop it. 

Frequent Urination

The next sign of pregnancy is frequent urination. A pregnant woman needs to go to the washroom after every 2 to 3 hours almost. As baby development puts weight on the bladder and the intake of the liquid becomes more, that's why frequent urination occurs. 

Backache And Headache

Aches are the most common clue of pregnancy. Headache and backache can be due to work routine or dehydration. Sometimes mothers eat food with an old routine while their body demands more; this can be the reason for headaches and backache. 

 It is also said in scientific research that the blood volume of a pregnant person increases, and it puts pressure on nerves that becomes the reason for aches. 

Breast Tenderness

Two weeks after conception, pregnant women feel pain in the breast. She noticed her swollen breast, sensitive and dark nipple. This all occurs due to increased hormonal levels such as progesterone and estrogen in the body. These hormones increase the blood flow in this area. 

It is recommended to wear a sports bra if facing this symptom.


Some women feel lightheaded and dizzy throughout the day. This dizziness and laziness can be due to dehydration and low blood sugar levels. It is also said that these pregnancy symptoms prevail when pregnant women change their posture or position. If the condition persists and the pregnant person feels faint, she must visit her doctor.

Mood Swings

Mood swings are the worst symptom I have ever faced in my pregnancy. It doesn't hurt me but my kids and husband, as my lousy mood makes me the worst human ever. 

Throughout pregnancy, a woman feels an emotional rollercoaster ride. At one moment, a pregnant woman felt sad, and the next moment she started laughing. It all happens due to hormonal changes.

If mood swings continue, then they change into perinatal depression.

Food Cravings

The last symptom I will explain in this article is food cravings. As a pregnant lady, your choices change at a 360-degree angle. If you are a salt lover, then my whole pregnancy, you hate eating salt, and the same goes alternatively. 

A pregnant woman can eat one food for nine months, and it seems insane, but it's true. This is pregnancy in a nutshell.

Wrapping Up

Pregnancy is not an easy job as It changes a person. A woman goes through many changes, so she deserves to be taken care of. May your pregnancy be smooth and successful.

Happy Parenting


Nourish Your Children To Be Empowered And Become A Good Leader

                       empowered children

Parents have the opportunity to make their children empowered and develop in them the qualities of leadership. One can not become a leader overnight. It is a continuous process of learning and unlearning. All the leaders in the world learn these qualities from their mentors in their life span. But parents can play the role of mentors from a very early age to mold them into leaders. I have seen this in my life. 

My parents always focus on developing leadership qualities and making me empowered. These two things help me take risky decisions in my life, believe in myself, and achieve them with confidence. My parents taught me many skills and many habits they instilled in me to be a good citizen and influential leader in my life. Here I will discuss a few of the essential qualities that you should instill in your child to make them a great leader from my personal experience. 


                  Making your children empowered and good leaders

Patience Is The Key

When dealing with people and leading them to a common task, one must be patient with them. Also, patience helps overcome bad phases of life and make a new start. My parents never lose their patience with me and generally in any stage of their life. It taught me to do the same with people around me and cope with bad times in my life. If you want your kids to be empowered and not bothered with the lows of their life, you have to teach them patience and practice it in front of them.  

Make Them Confident And Effective Communicators

Confidence is a skill that a leader needs to be happy around people and take risks. Parents can play a significant role in making their kids confident. My parents have always encouraged me to participate in school activities and other extracurricular activities such as debates, hosting, and acting. At home, at any event, such as parties and family get-togethers, they made me meet all the guests despite my hesitation. 

They also made me ask the guests about their experience of having a meal at our home. This made me comfortable in having people around me. It also helped me learn communication skills and convey my message thoroughly. 

By participating in debates, hosting, and acting in my schools, I learned to put an effective impression on my audience. If you want your kid to be confident and an effective communicator, you have to put your kids in unwanted and not-liked situations.  



Develop Self Belief And Emotional Intelligence

"A coward and self-doubted mentor produces coward and self-doubted mentees."

So to develop self-belief in your children, you have to be brave and self-confident. Do not doubt your working skills and decisions in front of your children. Parents often share their fears with their kids. It develops in them questioning your abilities and emotional intelligence.

 Emotional intelligence means believing in your instinct thinking capacities and clarifying decisions. Self-belief and emotional intelligence are two equally needed tasks when leading a community, business, or even a country. So if you want your child to be the leader of the future, be a leader yourself now. 

My parents never doubt themselves in front of me. Several times their decisions did not prove to be good. But they never stop making decisions. This habit of theirs helped me believe in myself and learn from my failures despite fearing them. 

                                                self belief in children

                          Developing self-belief in your children

Teach Your Kids Good Behavior 

"Confidence and communication skills can not walk a long road unless a person does not have good manners and behavior." 

Children learn more from actions than from mere words. Your words will not impact your kids if you do not behave well in front of them. My parents kept their rage to themselves. They tried not to put their negative emotions on me and each other. They taught me how to mask my feelings in front of others. This skill helps me lead different kinds of varying mindsets people calmly. It would be best to teach your children how to deal with others. It is very important not to show your personal feelings about someone when leading different people. Do not gossip about others in front of your children. Tell your kids about wrong and right generally without specifying it towards people. Otherwise, they will start seeing people from your perspective. This will have a negative impact on their career and other life decisions. 

 "Parenting is a risky job. Yes, it is a job. The behavior and habits of parents decide the future of their kids. If you want your children empowered and leaders of their future, you have to act like one."

Steadiness Is A Rare Trait

The skill I felt people envied me most for is my steadiness. When I started my online content writing, I went through so much struggle, but I never gave up. I did freelancing for a long time at a meager price. But I continued doing my best and learning along the way. After a time, I started earning a sound amount of money, but that was not my goal.

 My goal was to start my work to be my boss. My steadiness helped me in achieving this. I did not learn perseverance overnight. It is all due to my parents' timely decision to teach me leadership skills very early. If you want your children to be steady and constant in achieving their dreams, you have to make them learn it from the start. 


Children can only achieve big in their lives if their parents bring them up to be leaders. Parenting is a risky job. Yes, it is a job. The behavior and habits of parents decide the future of their kids. If you want your children empowered and leaders of their tomorrow, you have to act like one.

 I share my personal experience with you all, hoping that it will encourage any one of you to be a good parent. Tell me about your parenting skills in the comment section. I would love to learn from you all.

Happy Parenting,
